You tend to notice that you are growing up when you start losing stuff. People lose youth, people lose free time, people lose freedom, people lose brains, and some people lose hair! Now I have lost one thing that I have had since my very early days of childhood, formal education. It feels really awkward. No more waking up late, no more bunking classes, no more classes, no more hostel rooms, no more getting dad's sign in report card. But on the flip side, no more attending useless classes for attendance, no more insane writing for 3 hours in the name of exams, no more assignments, no more homework.
Everybody has gone through college. Everybody knows how it feels to get out of college. So I will stay out of the touchy-feely stuff here. My kith and kin have always asked me what was my biggest value add in MBA. I've always maintained a modest, 'I don't know', and its true. I seriuosly don't know. But I am sure about one thing, the experience here was worth screwing 18 months of my life. Seriously I never imagined I would get to share my plate with a Delhi-ite, share my glass with a Odiyan, party with a Punjabi, get drunk and blabber to a Marathi manoos, teach Hindi to a mallu, watch a goult movie in Mumbai with a confused Kannadiga, get bumps from gals for my birthday and many more! I am definitely much more sophisticated and refined than what I was. I guess that was the biggest value add.
Well, even a thousand pages wouln't suffice to describe the 600 odd days spent here. But even in a sky sprinkled with sparkling starry moments, some stars do sparkle brighter than the others. The crazy room mate, legendary 422, awesome 4th floor, overwhelming tam gang, kickass fourth hostel gang, rocking PMG, dangerous baba's office, pond, night outs, maddu mess, insane parties, nescafe, ten people sitting in a dinner table meant for four and things like these can even stand the test of amnesia. I have friends from all parts of India! The humble fact that I am carrying more than 32 GB of photos out of this place sums it up!
It would be sheer betrayal if I don't mention Prerana here. If Prerana'08 redefined the concept of hardwork and responsibility, Prerana'09 redefined the concept of struggle, setback and stress. Prerana is not an event, its an institution unto itself. The most meaningful thing I've been a part of in NITIE has to be Prerana, not even the MBA. Prerana taught us a lot of things which cannot be put in words. Although what takes the cake is the scientific art of handling the dragon! NITIE rocks, Prerana double rocks!!
I am emotional, I am sleep deprived, I have nothing to do, I am leaving this place is less than 36 hours, I feel like writing about NITIE for hours. I rather choose to end this post here as it is wrong to try and fit every emotion into words. No human language is capable of doing that. It would only distort those emotions. Let them be unsaid and better remembered. I minced my brain really hard to come up with a simple sentence to explain it all and I think I succeeded. All those of you who cared and shared, thou shalt never be forgotten!

Pepole going through this blog, kindly take out a minute to comment. That would remain as a proof that our lives were intertwined at some portion of the space time continuum!
P.S - Things are really changing. After a really long time, I am going to sleep before midnight!
P.P.S - On second thought, certain things never change. I am yet to submit assignments worth 80 marks! NITIE rocks, in past, present and future!
422 - Fucking Legendary for sure. Its a bond for life that it created man. And yes, your post is a gist of all the ups and downs of the last 18 months.
Cheers & Beers,
it might have started as fun.. but really you are the CAO of Prerana..
you will be missed!!! All of you will be!!!
We will make it bigger and better and make you feel proud and say, "I chose them!!" :)
Vasu U are a diamond precious and rare
All the Best
Billy was here...
It was a great experience working with u vasu.....
Keep in touch dude....
we will miss you......
keep in touch
congrats for the placement... :-)
Dude!!! U rock. Will never forget the tough competitions v had (Who comes out of the exam hall first:)). And KEC was equally memorable. I still love the fact that we ate up 30k each n gave them a big zero :P.
Loved reading your blog Vasu!A nice sum up of some good,bad and Crazy times at NITIE!!!
Thou shall be remembered!
hi vasu ..
Awesome post ..cud imagine the boil of emotions whilst u were writing this piece :)
All the best and take care :)
A good read indeed and a forerunner of what s to come after an year of ours......:)good luck to u.......may u get lots of chances to bunk offices!!!
In SC,u would get to share ur plate with Arabs, share ur glass with a German, party with an australian(if u dont mind the recnt attacks), get drunk and blabber to a Carribean , teach tamil to a Japanese(dey ll catch up well as rajni's movies are a hit in Japan) ,watch italian movies with confused Spaniards.............
Room No:419!
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